Saturday, September 1, 2007


(sixth entry-journal)

I always try to do my very BEST just to excel in a particular subject. But why did I come up with just some disappointments? Did I do my best, hence it was not so good enough?

I challenged myself to excel in our Trigo exam. I had reviewed a lot just to get the highest score. I only slept for about five (5) and a half hours. Yes, I answered some problems easily, but as I expected, I forgot some formulas that I had brushed up. ( so mad!). I passed the exam yet not the highest one.

I came to know that sometimes I have to accept some things that are not meant for me. I have to strive harder and harder. Even if I didn’t get the goal, at least I passed the exam. It was already necessary.

So, better luck next time? ü

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