Sunday, August 26, 2007


(third entry-journal)

It’s been a week and still I don’t have my third and proceeding entries of my journal. I had a lot of things done this past week. First, I finished the exercises and plates in my drawing course. Second, I reviewed for the long exam in CHM011 and ENG011.(It’s a review to death action!)Lastly, I customized this blog., studied past lessons etc. .(Now, I’m experiencing how difficult college life is. =0 )

My bin of backlogs is really loaded. Isn’t it? That’s why I almost forgot that I have to implement the top 2 values I had chosen in VAL011 for two consecutive days.

Anyway, FAITH and FAMILY are my top two values I had chosen. Just to share, I don’t really plan to implement my top two options, but I was surprised when I had already done those two values without even knowing.


I am afraid to fail in my courses especially in Trigo, Algebra and Drawing. That’s why, I try or should I say, I do hard study. In that way, I vehemently believe that I can pass. Believing to myself and having faith to GOD are what I have now.

In every quizzes and exam we have in class, I don’t forget to pray first. Praying is already a routine of mine. Moreover, last Friday, after our class in drawing, I went to chapel. I thank God for forgiving my prayer. (I have to secret it. SORRY! ü). Thank Him.

I just don’t have the faith in God, I also have the faith in myself. I believe that I can do things even without the help of others. Go! go! go! ü


Well, one thing to say. “If we don’t have the love, support and care we get from our family, we don’t have much at all”. That’s why, I do love my family and I always make them proud of me. Even for sometimes, I have been a stubborn child to my parents, and young bro to my sis/bros…no one can still replace them. Ü


“ We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we acted rightly.” -Aristotle

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