Friday, September 7, 2007


Yes! two more exams to go. I yearn to answer all the questions easily in ALGEBRA and TRIGO final exam. I really need to pass those integral courses.Fight! Fight! Fight!.

Thank God, I had answered all the Qs in IT,ENG,CHM final exams easily.. Praise God! I thought it will be too hard but then I made it. I'm just waiting for the results. I hope I will earn a PASS score.

'Till here. I still have to review for the FE in Algebra tomorrow. Goodluck to me. Help me God. :)

See you next time, harbinger...Sweet slumber!

Saturday, September 1, 2007


(9th/10th entry-journal)

To be honest, I don’t even remember that I had experienced peer pressure in my entire life. I really don’t. I know myself that I will not do a certain thing unless it will burst a good outcome and will not harm me.

A real friend will not lead you to the devil’s path. If someday, I will go through that situation, I just simply say “NO, I don’t wish to do that ”. I will not join them.

For all, when the time comes that you will undergo peer pressure, it is better to think first before deciding. Likewise, know who you listen and talk to. It’s your life and be responsible enough.

Know, think, and then decide! ü


(eight entry-journal)

Is it better to cheat than to repeat?

This time, I challenged myself to avoid cheating. It is somehow synonymous in copying the assignments of others.

I worked on my own. I did my homework without copying other’s thing. I answered the problems easily. I did self study.

Sometimes, learners can’t avoid copying assignments. It’s expected.We just always bring to mind, that we understand what we are copying. It’s not good to copy without even knowing and learning.

“ The day is for honest men, the night for thieves. ” -Euripedes


(seventh entry-journal)

I was astonished to the results of my health assessment. I am somehow healthy! I can’t believe it. What I know is that, I have some problems regarding my health condition. I just have to thank for the outcome. Laugh. Laugh. Laugh.

Thinking. About the “Inconvenient Truth”, I have one thing to say. We really have to take care of our environment. We will soon realize how important it was. Be an environmental-friendly man.

Go for green! Ü


Do not litter. Dispose your garbage properly. Segregate. Recycle. Conserve. -- As Louis Armstrong says in his song: "I see trees of green, red roses, too, I see them bloom for me and you and I think to myself, what a wonderful world."

The latter paragraph is taken from a booklet authored by Alexander Ledesma Lacson entitled "Twelve (12) Little Things Every Filipino Can Do To Help Our Country",.

Those are simple things I plan to do to help clean our environment. Very concrete, practical and doable.


(sixth entry-journal)

I always try to do my very BEST just to excel in a particular subject. But why did I come up with just some disappointments? Did I do my best, hence it was not so good enough?

I challenged myself to excel in our Trigo exam. I had reviewed a lot just to get the highest score. I only slept for about five (5) and a half hours. Yes, I answered some problems easily, but as I expected, I forgot some formulas that I had brushed up. ( so mad!). I passed the exam yet not the highest one.

I came to know that sometimes I have to accept some things that are not meant for me. I have to strive harder and harder. Even if I didn’t get the goal, at least I passed the exam. It was already necessary.

So, better luck next time? ü


(fifth entry-journal)

I do like challenges. I have a lot of things done that really tested myself. And asking me if what is the most, I have two.

First things first, way back when I was a grade school student, I was the editor-in-chief of our student’s publication. For me, it was a big responsibility. But, I have to use with it. I was the one they always represent whenever there were essay writing contests.

The day came for us, the staffs of the school organ, to represent our school and the whole Biñan district in Liliw, Laguna. It was a competition of all public schools having a school organ in Laguna. I joined the editorial writing contest (Filipino category) there. If I was not mistaken, the theme was about the effects of new technologies in people’s life. I just wrote there what my mind thought. And astoundingly, I won the 2nd place. Well, even I didn’t believe at first. It was truly unforgettable. It really challenged me to think deeper and somehow brought home the bacon! ü

Secondly, I was also dared to act as Joseph’s one brother in the most colorful musical play ever in Broadway the “ Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat “.(this was happened last year) It was hard yet fun. It tested my dancing, acting, and even singing abilities. Else, that was very tiring. I always went home late just to practice my lines and steps together with my classmates. It defied my gravity. ü

As of now, those were the most challenging things I have ever done. I know there will be more to come. I yearn, those challenges will make me stronger enough to face the brutal fact of life.Well,I just have to think first if I am going to open the briefcace and say deal or not!

By the way, this is the whole cast of JATDC. Just find me! (Finding REM?)


“Anything is possible. You can be told that you have a 90-percent chance or a 50-percent chance or a 1-percent chance, but you have to believe, and you have to fight.” ~ Lance Armstrong

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


(fourth entry-journal)

The Golden rule says, "Do unto others what you want others do unto you".

Whenever I commit mistakes, I want to be still treated with such esteem. Usually, people laugh at someone who performs mistakes. Then embarrassment invades to the person who made the wrong act/s. I loathe that manners! Yes, I really loathe it! If someone likes to correct me, go on. I will listen. I do accept my mistakes. Like what I have learned in the book Tuesdys with Morrie, we have to live with THEM(mistakes). We don't know that with those mistakes acts, they can lead us to do our BEST shot next time. It's just a matter of acceptance.

On the other hand, if someone likes me to do something for BETTER, I will. But if it's not, i just stand on my own and neglect it.

One thing more, treat me GOOD, then I will reply BETTER.

"Find something good in every mistake"

Sunday, August 26, 2007


(third entry-journal)

It’s been a week and still I don’t have my third and proceeding entries of my journal. I had a lot of things done this past week. First, I finished the exercises and plates in my drawing course. Second, I reviewed for the long exam in CHM011 and ENG011.(It’s a review to death action!)Lastly, I customized this blog., studied past lessons etc. .(Now, I’m experiencing how difficult college life is. =0 )

My bin of backlogs is really loaded. Isn’t it? That’s why I almost forgot that I have to implement the top 2 values I had chosen in VAL011 for two consecutive days.

Anyway, FAITH and FAMILY are my top two values I had chosen. Just to share, I don’t really plan to implement my top two options, but I was surprised when I had already done those two values without even knowing.


I am afraid to fail in my courses especially in Trigo, Algebra and Drawing. That’s why, I try or should I say, I do hard study. In that way, I vehemently believe that I can pass. Believing to myself and having faith to GOD are what I have now.

In every quizzes and exam we have in class, I don’t forget to pray first. Praying is already a routine of mine. Moreover, last Friday, after our class in drawing, I went to chapel. I thank God for forgiving my prayer. (I have to secret it. SORRY! ü). Thank Him.

I just don’t have the faith in God, I also have the faith in myself. I believe that I can do things even without the help of others. Go! go! go! ü


Well, one thing to say. “If we don’t have the love, support and care we get from our family, we don’t have much at all”. That’s why, I do love my family and I always make them proud of me. Even for sometimes, I have been a stubborn child to my parents, and young bro to my sis/bros…no one can still replace them. Ü


“ We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we acted rightly.” -Aristotle

Saturday, August 25, 2007


(second entry-journal)

"Life will not always go the way we want, but they will work out just fine. You'll see."

I second on what the quotation above says. We should know that we dont get all the things we want for ourselves, unless we strive for them. That's why, whenever I expect for my own sake, I don't give too much. Enough is enough.

I just expect that my first year in college life will be momentous. Definitely, no regrets at all. I yearn it will be the year for me to continue my study for the next years come. Also, I will do my best to be in the DEAN'S LIST.(Do not sleep until your GOOD is BETTER, and your BETTER is BEST.)

Like what in Five People You Meet in Heaven says, "beginnings are also endings". So, i should start the ball rolling best and last it best!



(first entry-journal)

My first week of stay at MCL? How was it? Well, it's just ordinary days for me but definitely a new journey to live in. I met new friends and deal with some students whom I even don't know.(I should be amiable!ü).Somehow, I felt welcome.

Teachers are very trained here at MCL. They are truly professionals. About the courses, I found it fine to have a drawing class, hence it is really hard. It is always your duty to make your work with excellence and perfection. Also, I suspense I can pass both in Trigonometry and Algebra. I didn't anticipate that I will have two(2) Math courses in one semester.(Damn!).Help me God.ü

Furthermore, adjustment is really the difficult part of college life. Honestly, I still have to adjust to the environment and to the people I always encountered here. I should be more active in co-corricular activities like joining the student's publication. Like what I have said, being jovial and friendly is the key to have new companions.

I hope my stay here at MCL will be more thrilling the "next days".ü

Monday, July 30, 2007

At the moment.

Dead beat.
Waiting bin of backlogs!

Friday, July 20, 2007

The ABCs of Daily Success

Arrive a little early for every date or appointment.
Be enthusiastic in everything you do.
Complete every assigned task.
Do a little bit more than what is required.
Express yourself after you know the facts.
Feel comfortable in every situation by being yourself.
Go all out to please your friends.
Help your enemies.
Identify yourself by accomplishment rather than words.
Join and help when you are needed.
Keep your head; it may save your hide.
Listen with your ear, not with your mouth.
Make do with what you have.
Never say never or I can’t help it.
Open your heart to less fortunate.
Please yourself by pleasing others.
Quickly respond to an emergency.
Remember the spirit of Christmas-everyday.
Study, study, study to excel.
Take advantage of opportunity.
Use spare time intelligently.
Value your health.
Work at you work.
X-out any qualities that could lead to failure.
You are your most important asset.Treat yourself well physically and emotionally.
Zestfully meet any challenge.